As the name suggests, hyperpigmentation is a condition in which specific spots on your skin become darker than the rest. This usually happens on the face, although it can also occur on the rest of the body. It is often found in women more than men--one of the major underlying reasons being hormonal fluctuations.

The root cause is that melanin, the skin coloring pigment, forms heavy deposits under the skin, which leads to excess darkening of those areas. Although this condition is harmless, it does give your skin an uneven tone which might need regulation, especially on the face.

What causes hyperpigmentation? Many factors contribute to hyperpigmentation—some of which include:

  • Hormonal fluctuations: This is quite common, especially in pregnant women. It can even occur as a side-effect due to hormonal changes caused by birth control pills.
  • Overexposure to the sun: Melanin is excreted in large quantities when your skin is exposed to the sun for long durations. This process occurs to shield your skin from sun damage and, in turn, results in hyperpigmentation.
  • Inflammation of the skin: Eczema, acne, and dermatitis can induce inflammation on your skin. Post the recovery period, your skin tends to darken and pave the way for hyperpigmentation. It can also be caused due to antibiotics and certain other medications.

How can you address hyperpigmentation using natural remedies? There are several natural methods that you can utilize to counteract hyperpigmentation, some of which include:

  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which sports skin brightening properties. Combine water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts. Mix the two, soak a cotton ball in it, and apply to your hyper-pigmented areas. You can even leave it on for a couple of minutes. Repeat this at least twice a day for about two weeks until you see visible changes on your skin.
  • Aloe vera: This is, perhaps, one of the most enchanting ingredients when it comes to skincare. Rub and massage a generous amount of aloe vera gel on your affected skin and leave it on overnight. Although commercially available gels also work well, it is best to use raw, natural aloe vera. Repeat every day for about two weeks until you witness your skin showing a considerable reduction in pigmentation.

  • Onion: If you can get beyond the smell, onions are an excellent natural remedy to combat hyperpigmentation. Onion contains vitamins A, C, and E. It is a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic agent. It also has enormous anti-aging benefits as onions are a rich source of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Rub a slice of red onion on the affected skin area for up to 5 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. You can even grate the onion and apply its juice onto your skin. Repeat at least twice a day for best results.
  • Lemon and honey: Using lemon is another natural remedy to prevent and reduce hyperpigmentation. Further, it’s a natural sunscreen. Citrus fruits, especially lemons, effectively treat dark spots and acne damage because they are packed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. When applied topically to the skin, lemon juice has been shown to play several roles in preventing hyperpigmentation. Mix lemon juice and honey in equal quantities, apply on the skin and leave it on for 10 minutes. Repeat daily until you start seeing visible results.
  • Yogurt: Since it contains lactic acid, yogurt is a good option for getting rid of hyperpigmentation. Lactic acid reduces the production of melanocytes, exfoliates the skin, and gets rid of darkened patches as well. Apply a layer of plain full-fat yogurt all over the affected skin areas, leave it on for about 10 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat at least three times per week or once every day, depending on how severe your hyperpigmentation is.

Summing it up:

Although hyperpigmentation disrupts having an even skin tone, it is common in melanated skin and is completely harmless. However, as we’re sure that most women want beautiful, even, and radiant skin, there are many natural and organic ingredients and remedies that you can incorporate to help you achieve your skincare goals. As opposed to going to a MedSpa (some of which are great), be mindful that natural remedies take more time and require consistency for them to be effective to even out your skin tone, ultimately leaving you with a healthy glow!